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Leadership Growth: When Our Defenses Hold Us Back emotional intelligence Apr 30, 2024

We all love a success story, especially our own. We draw strength from our achievements and pride from our skills. But while celebrating our wins, could we miss the hidden obstacles keeping us from reaching our full potential?

Understanding the Silent Blockers

Authentic leadership is more than...

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Three Ways to Boost Your Ability to Learn From Experience emotional intelligence Apr 27, 2024

Experience is the best teacher.  You have heard these words before, right? But the truth is, we don’t always learn from our encounters with life’s opportunities.

How often do we repeat the same errors or enjoy our wins without digging into the how and why? I'm right there with...

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Boost Your Leadership Momentum: A Call to Action leadership pivots Apr 19, 2024

Let’s have an honest conversation about momentum. It's that exhilarating feeling of moving forward, unstoppable and powerful. Personally, I find nothing more invigorating than realizing I’m gaining ground and making visible progress towards my goals. It’s like being in the...

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Find Inspiration: Slow Down to Gain Momentum emotional intelligence Apr 18, 2024


Ever had those days where your brain feels like it's swimming in syrup? You plop down, ready to be a productivity ninja, and BAM—you're suddenly the MVP of viral cat video marathons and a high-scorer in your favorite mobile games.

For the past few weeks, that's been the soundtrack of...

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Curries and Curveballs: Stirring Up Resilience After a Professional Setback emotional intelligence Apr 05, 2024

Picture this: I was all set with this fantastic project, feeling on top of the world. Then, boom! Out of nowhere, our sponsor hits a snag, and the project comes screeching to a halt. Suddenly, I'm like a GPS after you've driven into a tunnel – "Recalculating"... and recalculating... and oh,...

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What Makes Relationships Authentic in the Age of Digital Communications authenticity Apr 01, 2024

Lately, I've reflected on what makes a relationship authentic in our digital age.

I find myself increasingly drawn into the whirlwind of social media, navigating the endless sea of advice on boosting visibility on professional sites such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

Books, articles, and...

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Finding My Balance: The Leadership Dance of Firm and Kind leadership style Mar 19, 2024

Picture a leader. What do you see? I used to envision someone more like a mentor, always there with open ears and a compassionate heart. That's how I aimed to lead, thinking relational leadership was the golden path. 

But here's a personal story that modified my perspective. As I...

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Career Pivots: Break Free From Your Mental Constraints leadership pivots Mar 12, 2024

A little while back, I hit what you'd call a major snag in my career. I’m talking about a hiccup that made me question the whole shebang. Projects I was jazzed about? They came to a screeching halt. Goals I’d been hustling after? They didn’t fit who I was...

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Life's Lessons: My Top 6 Game-Changing Insights emotional intelligence Mar 12, 2024

Hey everyone!

So, a friend of mine threw down a challenge recently: jot down the biggest life lessons I’ve picked up so far. Now, life’s been a pretty wild ride - some parts awesome, some kinda tough. But here are the five (okay, six - couldn't help myself) biggies that really...

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My Path to Purpose Introduction Mar 11, 2024


I want to share a story with you—a bit of my journey, which took some unexpected turns.

For years, I wore the hats of a psychologist and small business owner, diving deep into the world of training managers and helping HR departments navigate change. But here's the thing: I felt like...

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